Character Creation

Created by Captain Ash Shultz on Sun Apr 26th, 2020 @ 6:43pm

Character Creation 101

Ghostbusters is a franchise that, Nova-wise, doesn't seem to have a footing yet. So this means there needs to be a fair amount of world-building before most will feel at home. If you want to be a veteran ICly, out of the gate, seek out a GM to get a better idea of the realm you're in.

For new players of the Sim, coming in as inexperienced ghostbusters is probably the best route, for it will let you learn the world as you go.

So the first step is deciding what you want in your character, you need to understand what NCGB's world is all about.

Basic Concepts

Ghostbusters as a franchise is about people who bungle through a job that common people believe is a dead end. Things go awry and the team have to figure out how to fix a mess they sometimes made worse than what it was. So teamwork is crucial, but these are very flawed, funny situations busters get themselves into.

Where Star Trek is mostly about the best and brightest coming together and beating tough advisories, Ghostbusters is the exact opposite. Busters are a joke to the world of academia ICly. They aren't bad at their jobs, but what they do, there is little safety oversight there to tell them if an experiment is going too far. So LOTS of fails are bound to happen in the lab and in the field.

As such, if you intend to play a scientist, you want a character that may not be the best in their career community. Or you could have a character that's brilliant with their trade, but has so many eccentricities that it is hard for them to hold down a job because they annoy people.


Ghostbusters has a few character archetypes that work well with our narritive. While everyone is a hero in thier own right, here are some other archetypes to consider (others are welcome too):

  • Antihero
  • Fish-Out-Of-Water
  • Reluctant Fighter
  • Wise Mentor
  • Loveable Scamp
  • Clumsy Scientist

Character Narritive

Once you have decided the archetype, you need to figure out your personal narrative. NCGB encourages character growth, so if you have some stories you want to do that will progress your character, let us know and we will try to help you reach those personal goals.

Your character story should fit the archtype you're after, first and foremost.