Ranking Up
Created by Captain Ash Shultz on Thu Apr 23rd, 2020 @ 6:32pm
Rank Structure
80% of the Ranks do not hold meaning ICly except for one reason: Experience Level.
Like any New Hire in the real world, you start at the bottom. And since this is the first GB Sim on Nova format (that I have seen at any rate), we as a community need to world-build first and foremost before we worry about ranks.
As characters take on more assignments and complete them, they will gain more rank. And Level 6 and up means your character is able to handle/lead tougher missions.
NCGB encourages story ideas and plot bunnies, which strong contribution OOC and character-growth IC should get you a few bumps up.
Be an asset to the community, and you can be assured that a just reward will come your way.
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