Company Rank Structure

Created by Captain Ash Shultz on Thu May 7th, 2020 @ 6:15pm

The Founders
The OGs of GI. They are retired for GB our ranks but still hold ownership of the organization. Any policies that they feel could be company-wide, are issued and followed.

Commissioners lead big GB stations (stations with around 150-200 employees) and/or Taskforces. They make the tough calls on rather or not to replace Station Chiefs of their assigned Taskforce. They also train Station Chiefs and groom successors.

At face value, they speak for The Founders and backup any company-wide policies that have trickled down to the Taskforces.

Captain is bestowed to Station Chiefs. They are responsible for the welfare, training, pay, and living standards of all GBs that work in their station. A Captain has to be adept at problem-solving and be an excellent critical thinker.

Good Captains are considered exceptional ghostbusters, and exceptional mentors.

Lieutenants are the most senior of ghostbusters of any given GB station. They also command divisions within the station.

Station Chiefs can only give this rank out once to denote a singular successor (aka Deputy Station Chief), or give it out to all of their division supervisors. GI is pretty flexible on this.

Senior GB (Ghostbuster)
The Senior GB rank status means they've progressed enough as a GB that they can be trusted to lead teams out in the field without a supervisor. While they may not have enough experience to lead a division just yet, they are, nonetheless, a buster people listen to and respect.

Level 5
Generally, three years as an employee is needed to acquire this rank. But advanced aptitude in the ghostbuster's field (Division/Department) and expert skills as a buster can exponentially progress any employee to this rank.

Level 4
The rank is given to employees that have served no more than 2 years. However, rookie GBs from Level 1-3 can shoot up fast by showing they can be trusted to handle their proton packs safely during cases. They must also have an exceptionally high skill-set needed for a division to function properly.

Level 3
Level 3s have served no more than a year, typically. They are still a rookie, but they can be trusted with more responsibility - such as leading Trainees on a case, to take care of a Class 1 or 2 ghost.

Level 1 -2
There is not much difference between either rank, except that a Trainee distinguished themself so much, during initial training, they they deserve the extra boost to Level 2. These first two ranks, you're considered Rookies. You are supervised all the time when you go on cases, and have more experienced GBs with you to learn from.

At this point in their career, Level 1s and 2s have displayed they know how to use their Ecto arsenal safely, but maybe not as accurate as more experienced ghostbusters. They understand enough about the job that they can function properly with their assigned divisions.

Trainees are at their core, recruits. They wear the swag, but not the title. They have to undergo a 3-4 week process of learning about Ghostbuster International and how to function adequately as a team member of a station. Then, and only then, are they promoted and can legitimately say they are a Ghostbuster.

Categories: Company Handbook